Winter Tree Pruning Tips

Oftentimes we think of winter as the time to take a break from gardening and tree care. However, winter can be an ideal time to give your trees some much needed attention. 

Listed below are some great reasons to bundle up and get outside to give your trees some winter care:

  • When trees are without their foliage, it makes their branching structure much more visible, which means you can make better cuts to the bare branches.
  • Trees are dormant in winter and fresh cuts won’t make them bleed their natural sap. This is particularly true for oak trees that emit a beetle-attracting odor in warmer weather months.
  • Winter pruning can also promote more vigorous growth in new branches in spring.

It’s important to know which trees will benefit from winter pruning. For example, maple, birch, and walnut trees all bleed sap extensively through the end of their dormant season, so these are best pruned in mid-summer, after new growth is matured.

Feel free to contact one of our tree experts for more information on when to prune your trees, or visit our maintenance services page for details on our professional pruning services.