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Lawn Care Company St Louis MO

Lawn Care and Maintenance in St Louis,MO

Lawn Care Services St Louis,MO. Quiet Village is a local landscaping company that has served the Greater St Louis area with high-quality lawn care and yard maintenance since 2001. Our team of expert landscapers are passionate about developing and maintaining appealing exterior spaces for residential and commercial property owners throughout St Louis. With a regular lawn maintenance in St Louis,MO, you, your family, your neighborhood, and the environment around you will benefit from the production of oxygen to reduced pollutants, increased property value to lower cooling costs, and more!

Top-Notch Lawn Care Company St. Louis MO

What strikes your mind when you think of a top-notch lawn care company in St. Louis, MO? There are many companies that offer lawn care and maintenance services in St. Louis, MO. Which one should you visit that can tend to your lawn care service’s needs? It’s Quiet Village Landscaping of course! We offer the premier care of your lawn and maintain it like our own.

St. Louis Lawn Care

Why Choose Quiet Village Landscaping as St. Louis Lawn Care?

Choosing us, Quiet Village Landscaping, has its own benefits for St. Louis Lawn Care. Let’s have a look at our qualities:

  1. We focus on sustainability.
  2. We have a dream team of gardeners who care deeply about the natural environment. 
  3. Our customers have loved how we bring their St. Louis lawn care vision to life.
  4. We take care of the smallest intricates of St. Louis lawn care & maintenance. 
  5. We are like your family and treat your homes as our homes, while offering our services to you.
  6. We offer complimentary consultation on your first visit!

With over a decade of service experience in the lawn care and landscaping industry, St Louis area customers can depend on our team to efficiently service and maintain their homes and commercial business spaces. To uphold our commitment to customer satisfaction, we offer custom lawn care services in St Louis to ensure we meet the unique needs of your property. To learn more about St Louis lawn care services, or to get started on your free maintenance estimate, contact Quiet Village Landscaping by calling (314) 657-7050 or completing our contact form!

Seasonal Lawn Care Services in St. Louis?

What can be some of the fine seasonal lawn care services in St. Louis? Let’s start planning from the below kind:

  1. Lawn Fertilization
  2. Weed Control
  3. Lawn Aeration
  4. Lawn Seeding
  5. Insect & Grub Control
  6. Fungus & Disease Control
  7. Lawn Edging
  8. Lawn Renovation
  9. Tree Shrub & Removal
  10.  Edging & Mulching
  11.  Planting & Care
  12.  Smart Irrigation 

St. Louis lawn maintenance is necessary. Engaging in seasonal lawn care services in St. Louis certainly helps keep the garden lively. There are different lawn care services to be taken in different seasons. Let’s find out!

Spring Season Lawn Care Services in St. Louis, MO

Spring is the loveliest season of them all, why not care for your lawns to start a fresh, just after winters. Which St. Louis Lawn care services seem best for spring, let’s have a look:

  • Backyard & Front yard cleanup consists of clearing away dead leaves, plants, branches, flowers, gumballs, and any other old plant debris from your yard and landscaping.
  • Adding fresh mulch or landscape rock to your flowerbeds and around trees and shrubs in early spring is a great way to maintain a fresh look in your landscaping and keep weeds at bay during the spring seasons.
  • Lawn edging serves as a clear boundary between the lawn and flowerbeds, sidewalks, and driveways. By edging the lawn, you can effectively stop the grass from encroaching onto pathways and other landscaped areas.
  • Tree & Shrub Trimming ensures your trees and shrubs maintain their optimal appearance, depending on the plant variety.
  • Lawn Aeration promotes deep root growth and ensures that seeds and fertilizer can penetrate deep into the soil for optimal results.
  • Lawn Seeding helps your lawn become green again. If you've spotted bald patches, brown spots, or thinning on your lawn, consider reseeding or overseeding to bring back the green.
  • Lawn Fertilization helps your lawn the nutrients it needs to thrive.

Summer Season Lawn Maintenance in St. Louis, MO

Summer can be quite painful with the scorching heat from the sun. It can have a harmful effect on your lawns, better take care of it with the below summer season lawn care services and maintenance in St. Louis, MO:

  • Lawn Mowing plays a vital role in summer St. Louis lawn care and maintenance. If the grass grows too long, it will absorb an excessive amount of nutrients, depleting the soil's fertility rapidly. On the other hand, cutting the grass too short can make it challenging for the lawn to retain moisture and absorb sunlight efficiently. 
  • Watering the Lawn is crucial in the summers. Insufficient moisture in the soil of turfgrass can hinder the growth of roots and buds, leading to the wilting of the grass and transforming the lush green turf into a faded green or brown shade. Watering allows the grass to absorb the water before it evaporates in the sun.
  • Lawn Fertilization in the summers should be based on the prevailing weather and soil conditions.
  • Weed Control must be done in the summers. Regular lawn inspections are crucial to identify and promptly eliminate any weeds, as they can cause significant damage to your lawn.
  • During the summer, lawns that are dormant or experiencing drought stress are more prone to being invaded by pests and diseases. These issues can easily go unnoticed on lawns that are already suffering from the heat of summer; hence insect and grub control is necessary.
  • Plants Seeding & Installation helps many individuals, as they are now embracing gardening as a pastime or a way to produce their own food, and in doing so, they are uncovering the joys of cultivating plants from seeds. Witnessing life emerge from a small seed that you have cared for can quickly become a captivating experience.

Fall Season Lawn Maintenance St. Louis MO

Fall season is ever so favorite. With the autumn colors at the doorsteps and everywhere in St. Louis’s foliage, it’s a colorful delight to witness. Lawns likewise are colorful with fallen leaves. Fall season lawn maintenance in St. Louis, MO is crucial:

  • Yard Cleanup is ever needed in the fall season, allowing you to remove thatch more effectively and even rake deeper.
  • Lawn Trimming & Edging can help with the overgrown lawn garden edges in the fall season. In the summer, your lawn edges may have become a bit dense, so fall is the ideal time to trim your garden edges. If the grass has grown horizontally over neatly trimmed soil in bed edges, use lawn scissors to cut it back.
  • A well-maintained lawn relies heavily on lawn aeration, which involves puncturing the grass to enhance airflow and deliver essential nutrients like water to the roots. By aerating your lawn, you not only promote its survival during challenging conditions like waterlogging or drought, but also ensure optimal growth. Apart from the early spring season, the fall season is the best time to get your lawn aerated as well.  
  • Lawn Mowing must be done as a fall season lawn maintenance task in St. Louis. Clearing away any fallen leaves and twigs is the initial job to get your lawn ready for autumn. This will help avoid the growth of mold and fungus during the colder months when the ground is damp. Leaving your lawn covered up with autumn can restrict oxygen flow, leaving it susceptible to pests and diseases.

After your lawn has been treated and is looking perfect, it’s best to fertilize the lawn with to keep the roots healthy and strong during the winter months. Using a different fertilizer for the fall season than the one you use in the summer season will be a smart decision.

Winter Season Lawn Care in St. Louis

Winters are tough, and the season that is critical to have your lawns cared and maintained for. Preserving your lawns with winter season lawn care in St. Louis will prevent the grass and other plants from dying out in the frost and the snow. You can have St. Louis lawn maintenance done in the Winters with the following lawn care services: 

  • Winter Lawn Fertilization helps preserve the grass roots, giving them nutrients that may have been lost during the hot summer months. This ensures that your lawn remains strong and resilient, increasing its ability to endure the stress and potential drought of the summer season.
  • Winter Lawn Mowing is best before the initial frost of winter so that when winter comes, the grass blades are between 2 to 2.5 inches tall. This height helps prevent the growth of mold and fungus that can occur when longer grass gets flattened by snow and ice.
  • Avoiding Grass Injuries in a way to prepare for the snow. Placing stakes along the edges of your driveway and sidewalks will be a good option. This way, when you clear the snow, you'll know exactly where to plow without damaging the lawn. You can also easily see where to apply ice-melting chemicals or salt to keep your grass safe.
  • Clearing Plant Debris because pests and diseases might try to settle in for the winter, so it's a good idea to minimize their options. By getting rid of the plant debris, you can help maintain the health and pest-free environment of your gardens for the upcoming spring.
  • Removing Weeds and is a great way to eliminate potential hiding spots for bacteria and pests during the winter season.
  • Dividing Perennials can help prevent further overcrowding in the upcoming growing season. Certain perennial plants tend to grow near each other. As they multiply, their blossoms form dense clusters. This leads to a competition among their roots and bulbs for air, space, and nutrients.
  • Bringing your Soft Plants indoors can help save their lives during the atrocious winter season. Some plants can withstand cold winters, while others cannot. If there is a sudden decrease in temperature, your hardy plants should be fine, but your less resilient plants may not survive the cold weather.

Mulching is like an insulation barrier that creates a separation between the garden soil and the winter air, ensuring that cold soil temperatures remain stable during the winter season. Using a layer of mulch that is 2 to 3 inches thick can provide a shield for your plants against temperature changes.

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