How to Get Rid of Invasive Honeysuckle
Here’s how to get rid of invasive honeysuckle.
Many are quickly learning how much of a problem Bush Honeysuckle (Lonicera Maackii) is becoming. With increased awareness about this problematic pest plant, we’re sharing some of the best ways any property owner can work to get rid of Bush Honeysuckle.
Honeysuckle Removal & Control
Invasive bush honeysuckle can be removed any time of the year in St. Louis. However, we recommend early spring and late fall, because it has leaves when most other shrubs and trees don’t. This also helps to be able to identify these plants, for easier removal. You can work in sections or phases to remove honeysuckle off of your own property or even talk to your neighbors and community members about ways to remove honeysuckle in your neighborhood.
Once you’ve successfully ID’ed the invasive plant, you can get started on removal with these easy steps.
Hand Pull Small Honeysuckle Plants.
Small plants can be easily pulled from the ground using just your hands or small hand shovel.
Stump and Stem Cutting.
Honeysuckle grows fast. Larger plants can be trimmed close to the root, then treated with herbicide.
Dig Out Plant Roots.
Expansive honeysuckle bushes can be removed by digging out the roots entirely with shovels.
Call in the Pros.
Overtime, honeysuckle can form into large masses, requiring considerable time to remove. Consider hiring a landscaper or gardener to remove giant swaths of honeysuckle.

There are several effective methods for removing invasive honeysuckle, depending on size. Typically you can remove the invasive plant by cutting the plant stem as close to the ground as possible, then applying an appropriate herbicide (you can find this at gardening centers, Home Depot, or Lowe’s) to the cut stem. Keep in mind that any and all stems that are left without a herbicide treatment are likely to quickly resprout and grow back. Herbicide is recommended over digging up the entire plant (especially large, established masses), because digging up large bush honeysuckle plants can cause damage to other plants and could cause soil erosion or other issues when removing the honeysuckle on your own.
Our landscaping team of outdoor experts and gardeners continuously removes invasive honeysuckle from client properties and we are proud of our efforts in providing environmentally conscious landscaping services to homeowners and businesses who don’t have the time or resources to remove extensive amounts of bush honeysuckle from their property on their own. If you don’t know what plant you have in your yard, or are wondering if it’s honeysuckle, just send us a photo and we will help you identify the plant. Send your photo to for assistance in plant identification. It’s important to know what plants you have to know the best way to remove, transplant, or take care of them.
If you have an area that needs professional help with honeysuckle removal, let us know! We would be happy to help, including assisting with volunteer efforts for community projects get rid of this invasive pest plant. Together, we can help re-established native plants into our own backyards and surrounding communities.